
Monday, September 10, 2012

Be Prepared: Part 1

There's been a lot of talk recently on "Being Prepared"... for the big one, for the downfall of society, for 12-21-12 or for any other catastrophe.

Wes and I are prepared. Not crazy "Doomsday Prepper" style, but I'd like to think that if all power and communications were cut for a few weeks, we'd be comfortable.

Now, we've talked to a lot of family and friends who would like to be prepared, but are a little bit overwhelmed with where to start. So, I've decided to come up with a plan for all of you. (And in the process, I'll be able to double check my supplies.) Each week, I'll post a few steps in getting your kit together. That way, there will be time to get it done and time to ask questions or post your own ideas. So, here we go.

After a major disaster, the services we take for granted may not be available. (Running water, electricity, phone, etc.) These are basics to get your emergency kit started for 72 hours of survival. Please feel free to add to it.

Step 1: Get a container for your emergency kit. It should be kept in an easily accessible location and would ideally be watertight. A great example is a large plastic trashcan with lid and wheels.

Step 2: Water- a minimum of 3 gallons per person, per day ( If you have 2 people in your household, you will need 18 gallons). This is enough to allow for drinking, hygiene and cooking.

Tap water can be stored in clean 2-liter bottles. Label and store in a cool, dark place. Tap water should be replaced every 6 months. Commercially bottled water should be replaced by date on bottle or every 12 months.

There you have it. The first 2 steps. Don't procrastinate on this one. Get started on your supplies and be prepared.

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